Have you ever stood waiting for water to boil? This video will give you a workout that you can do in your kitchen. It is fun and accessible.
Yoga Helps 117 Health Conditions
Medical Research Supports the Benefits of Practicing Yoga In 2007 when Timothy McCall, MD was writing, Yoga as Medicine, the Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing, he went through the medical research on yoga and identified 43 medical conditions that were helped by yoga. In 2015 I studied Seeing and Reading Bodies with Dr. McCall and he gave me permission …
3 Poses for Better Sleep
I was honored to be featured in this Spry Living article that appeared in nine million issues of the Parade magazine on September 8, 2019. The article was written for the general population. For seniors, I suggest a supine bound-angle pose with the arms spread wide, palms up, and placing blocks, blankets or pillows under the knees so the legs …
Pain Relief
Pain does not always equal problems.
Weight Gain After Menopause
My weight had crept on slowly between 51 and 57 years of age. I knew I was buying larger size dresses, but the full reality of my 33-pound weight gain did not hit until I saw this picture with my sister, Lynn. We were once the same size! Hormonal fluctuations and android fat distribution to the middle of the body …
Improve Your Brain as You Age
Are you concerned about cognitive impairment as you get older? Would you spent 20-30 minutes a day to decrease your dementia risk? You have a good reason to be concerned! In people over 65 age-related mild cognitive impairment occurs at a rate of 10-20% with a 2.5-fold risk of developing dementia. For over 35 years medical researchers at Massachusetts General …
Age Without Limits Book Review by YogaUOnline
Age Without Limits Yoga for Seniors and the Health-Challenged I was overjoyed with the wonderful review of Age Without Limits just posted by www.YogaUonline.com. https://www.yogauonline.com/yogau-wellness-blog/age-without-limits-book-review
Age Without Limits – Chair Yoga
Lessons from Mother Nature This magnificent Great Egret stood in the front yard of Sunrise Scottsdale Assisted Living as I drove up to teach my Wednesday chair yoga class. I was a few minutes early and was able to sit there an enjoy the bird as it stood still, walked, and looked around. The street traffic and a couple in …
Age is NOT a Four-Letter Word!
Nadine Kelly, M.D., Janet Rae Humphrey, Amy Kraft, Vanessa Earnst, Susan Schirm – All are Registered Yoga Teachers Age Without Limits was one of two textbooks for The Art and Science of Teaching Chair Yoga – Age to Wellness. Last October, I attended a yoga workshop entitled, “The Art and Science of Chair Yoga – Age to Wellness” tailored for …
Age Without Limits – “Grow Old with Yoga” in May/June 2016 Yoga Digest
“Grow Old with Yoga” in May/June 2016 Yoga Digest tells Janet’s yoga story of recovery from major health problems, her writing this book and more information about yoga for seniors from three of Janet’s teachers. Go to page 70 in the YogaDigest article in the below link. https://issuu.com/yogadigest/docs/yoga_digest_10_issuu Don’t tell my students in their 80’s and 90’s that they are old. Elsa, …